Tired of having to wear a face mask? When the Covid 19 lockdowns began on March 13th I bet you had no idea we’d still be in some sort of lockdown on day 300.
Yet here we are, with Covid 19 still a significant risk until enough people have had the vaccine to achieve herd immunity. Even if you take the vaccine right now, experts say you’ll still have to wear a mask until the pandemic dies down. No-one’s quite sure of the actual date, but we’re expected to have some sort of normality by summer 2021 or possibly the end of 2021.
Until then, you’ll have to remember to take a mask with you everywhere you go. So where can you find the most comfortable face mask? I’ve tried quite a few masks and I love these super lightweight, stretchy masks from RushOrderTees.

Made of stretchy T-shirt fabric, these masks fit snugly around the face so you don’t have any gaps for saliva and particles to get in or out. They’r also re-usable and washable, so you don’t have to keep buying packs of masks. Simply chuck them in the washing machine and use again.

I don’t know about you, but I find the white surgical masks fit way too loosely on my face and they tend to get make-up all over them. These black face masks don’t show any stains of make-up and the color is stylish and goes with everything. Best of all, they’re lightweight and thin, so they take up absolutely no room in my pocket or purse.

Best of all, you can order a 12-pack of these cloth face masks online for $24.79 with free shipping (roughly $2.29 per mask) and RushOrderTees will donate the profits to the COVID-19 Relief Fund.
If you want to buy these masks, here’s an exclusive code for 10% off you can share with your audience: FACEMASK10!